
Fundraising with The Articulate Gallery

The Articulate Gallery believes that creativity and the arts belong at the centre of all our lives, and through our schools and local groups, it can live at the heart of our communities too.

Let us help you resource your very own fundraising art exhibition for your nursery, school, community, youth or uniformed group.

The aim of fundraising with The Articulate Gallery is to:

• Boost the self-esteem of the children involved in your fundraising exhibition
• Celebrate the creativity of your children and your staff
• Underpin elements of the creative arts in the curriculum and in awards schemes ... and in an enterprising way
• Raise the profile of your school or group in the local community
• Raise money for your school or group through the sale of the framed artworks.

What The Articulate Gallery offers:

• A fund-raising price for A4 and A3 slot sided picture frames to create your own gallery exhibition
• Guidelines for setting up and making the most of your fundraising exhibition
• Ideas to promote your exhibition in the local community, to families and the local press.

Please get in touch via the form below for further information about the promotional fundraising prices on offer: with £5.00 RRP off every frame sold you will build funds creatively with The Articulate Gallery (minimum quantities apply).

"It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge."  Albert Einstein